In case you decide you want to adjust the Agile Board in Agile Development 2.0. Here is the code that exists behind it.
Backend Code
Script Includes: any Script include that starts with AgileB
https://<instance> Header
UI Macro: agile_board_header
UI Macro: html_page_agile_board
Analytics Tab (Disabled in ORLANDO)
Dashboard: Product Owner Dashboard
Release Burndown
UI Page: sdlc_release_burndown_frame
Sprint Burndown UI Page: sdlc_sprint_burndown_frame
Backlog Tab
UI Macro: backlog
For the settings menu: UI Macro: backlog_config
Sprint Planning Tab
UI Macro: sprint_planning
For the settings menu: UI Macro: sprint_planning_config
Sprint Tracking Tab
UI macro: sprint_board https://<instance>
Stored in vtb_board table
Task Progress Board
sorted by created date, latest to newest
Code located in UI Macro: task_planning_board, and other places
Find Code
Click Hamburger > Dashboard Properties
Used findrecordby Sysid to find the record
Used code search in studio to search more